Joyful little teddy bears, which will decorate your Christmas tree. They are not complicated at all therefore even the beginners will simply manage to knit these toys.
Hump 18 eyes on the knitting needles. If you wish the teddy-bears to be bigger, make more eyes. You will have to knit in one row of the right eyes. Start knitting from the bottom. 12 rows knit with red threads. You can sprinkle the knitting work with chosen ornaments. Knit with brown threads about 9 rows. Take proportions visually, because everything depends on thread thickness and the number of eyes.
The last knitting row: run the thicker thread into the needle, and then through all eyes of the knitting, that later it would be possible to pull the eyes.
Spit with the needle and thread the middle of the knitting as well at the intersection of brown and red threads.
It is not necessary, but more comfortable to: crop a circle from the fabric or paper. Embroider the face. The piece of paper or cloth will help the thread not to lose in the eyes of the knitting. You can embroider at the surface of the eyes or use the thicker thread.
At the middle of the knitting sew a bent strip that it would be possible to hang on the Christmas tree. Pull the eyes with a spit thread. Tie up the thread and snip off the loose ends. After pulling the thread the teddy-bear will have a head already. To make it more round stuff it with a wool and daintily sew up. Pull the eyes at the middle as well.
The legs and hands: knit the scarf of 6 eyes. Choose the length by yourself. At the final row spit through the eyes and pull the eyes. Sew up the edges and you will get a hand. Make them four and sew up to the body of the teddy-bear.
Ears: 5 right eyes, 2 rows and simply finish. The kniting will cower and you will be able to compose ears. Sew them up.