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Technique of Silk ShadingSilk shading embroidery had emerged from China therefore somewhere it is called China embroidery. When silk was invented, soon embroidery with silk thread was applied too. Exactly, the silk threads rendered luxury value to the picture, because they reflected softness. This is an embroidery technique, when stitches are put by small vertical dashes and picture is embroidered little by little by seams. By joining seams together and changing colours of threads, the variety of colour passages and tones are obtained. This method of embroidery is effective because it creates especially real view. It is like brushwork with threads. This embroidery technique perfectly suit to elegant, slim pictures, which express tenderness and shine. Only shape of the picture is copied on the cloth, the line of colour transfer is marked and the embroidery is made following the marked contour. To make nice transfer of the seams one seam is made a little longer than another. While embroidering the direction of the seam should not be changed. To make it easier, the shape is embroidered with a simple seam, which is followed in further embroidery. Some ideas on how you can present your works
Embroidery schemes
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